Wednesday, July 3, 2013

How to successfully start a diet and work out plan made to improve your health and well being!

I was over weight for 4 years of my life. As I kept getting older, I realized I was so unhappy about my weight that it completely ruined my self esteem. I didn't think I deserved to wear the close I wanted, and I definitely didn't think I could ever wear them. In freshman year I got so sick that I missed 21 straight days and needed my blood drawn 3 times for 3 different kinds of testing. There was something wrong with my liver. My enzyme count was skyrocketing and I was sleeping for 21 hours a day. They thought that maybe I had liver cancer, but after an ultrasound they knew that wasn't the case. After I got better, they told me the reason that my liver was in this temporary condition was because of my weight. I always believed I was 'chubby', but hearing from a doctor that I was actually over-weight put my mind at a whole new focus. I made a work-out plan that couldn't, and didn't fail.

The first thing I did was get a spiral note-book specifically for dieting and working out. I spent the entire night online printing out pictures of clothes I wanted to wear, brands I wanted to wear, pictures of girls who were fit, and anything else that inspired me to workout all over the cover. That way whenever I saw it, I remembered why I need to keep going.

Inside the journal I made 3 realistic goals.
The heaviest I ever was, was 158lbs, at a height of 5"0.

So, I made these 3 goals!
1) 148lbs ((YOU LOST 10 POUNDS!))
2) 138lbs ((YOU LOST 20 PUNDS! Reward yourself with the item/ thing of your choosing!))
3)128lbs ((YOU LOST 30 POUNDS!!!))

After these 3 goals I made 2 extra goals for me, but they were not nearly as important as the first 3.

4)118lbs! ((YOU LOST 40 POUNDS!!!!))
5)108lbs! ((YOU DID IT!!!!!! Reward yourself! You deserve it!))


  • Setting up goals is the most important part of the first step: Motivation. Not just making goals but also rewarding yourself! You need to reward yourself because you need to love yourself to keep going throughout a process like this. This wasn't easy in the slightest; so you need to pat yourself on the back! You can take yourself farther than you ever thought
  • The next 2 steps are essential. You've heard them all before. Exercise, and eating right. But you don't have to become a gym rat, or eat rabbit food for every meal! I did everything the easiest way, because I don't have access to a gym, and I am the pickiest eater there is. So here are al the simple things I did that made all the difference!
  • My workouts were: Richard Simmons Sweatin' to the Oldies, Tae Bow Energy 2004, Riding my bike, and walking my dog.

THAT'S IT! I did Richard Simmons 4-7 days a week, walked my dogs 3-5 days a week for about 30 minutes each (I have 2 dogs), rode my bike whenever possible for probably hours, And I'd do Tae Bow every once in a while whenever I wanted to work more on muscle definition and toning. 

As I reached my first 2 goals, I bought more challenging workouts. I bought Hip-Hop Abs and Ripped in 30. I still to this day have NOT been able to complete Ripped in 30! IT IS UNBELIEVABLY HARD and I go to sleep right after I do it. I'm just a teenage girl, and apparently don't have what it takes... BUT THAT'S OKAY! Don't give up if a workout is too hard for you! All you need to do is try a new one! I did the simplest workout and hear I am; healthy and no longer overweight! Just do what you know you can and slowly push yourself when you KNOW you're ready.

Next is eating... I once ate my salad for every meal for a week straight only with only water to drink and lost 7 pounds... I LOST A POUND A DAY! But oh my gosh was I depressed. There's no food I hate more than salad. After that week I gave up on the diet because I was so miserable. (This was a pervious diet a year before the diet that I actually worked for) I realized there had to be an easier way to eat right without being miserable, AND THERE WAS! Here are the small, simple things I did that you can do too!

1) switched red meat with white meat
2) only drank diet pop! (THIS IS HUGE)
3) made it a priority to drink at least one third of my weight in ounces of water. WATER IS YOUR BEST FRIEND!!!
4) Whole Wheat! (Not every time I had a chance, but switched it pretty often)
5) Started eating breakfast!!!
6) Ate eggs more often!
7) Completely cut out ice-cream and candy
8) Limited my snack intake
9) Started eating yoplait yogurt as a treat
10) ate more soup
11) kept an eye out for sky rocketing calorie foods (Wasn't ever crazy about calories, but anything about 700 and up was usually out of the question.)
12) stopped putting mayo on food.
13) stopped eating when I was content, not full!

If you follow these steps, you can definitely accomplish your goals! If you have any questions ask me, and I would be glad to answer them! Thank you so much, and have a great day!